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Find more @ Guide to Financial Spread Betting The Beginner's Guide to Financial Spread Betting Winning spread betting strategies: How to make money in the medium term in up, down and sideways markets Vince Stanzione tip on Financial Spread Betting using IG Index, Spreadex, CMC and City Index. Financial Times. Introduction to Spread Betting — What you need to knowFinancial Spread betting also know as Financial Spread Trading has seen massive growth over the last decade in the UK and is a flexible and tax-efficient way to back anything from shares, currencies, commodities, Bonds, stock indices and even house prices.Financial spread betting lets you gain exposure to the performance of key markets, without having to put up the full value of the transaction as you're trading on margin.So you can profit from market moves while only putting forward a margin deposit as collateral, this can be as low as 10% of the contract value. As your transaction is a bet, your profits are free from UK capital gains tax and income tax, and trades on individual shares are free from stamp duty. Those outside the UK may also be able to Spread Bet however the same tax advantages do not apply.One of the major advantages of financial spread betting over conventional share trading is that it is just as easy to go short as it is to go long. That is, you can profit even when a particular market is falling, you simply open a SELL/DOWN bet rather than a BUY/UP bet. Other methods of