
A Side of Sulu You Have Never Seen Before

Author : Betting on Profit

George Takei, taking on Tim Hardaway.

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25 Responses to “A Side of Sulu You Have Never Seen Before”

  1. Merryjest Says:

    You are completely wrong. There is a HUGE difference between saying “I want to burn all gay people” and actually DOING it. Sorry, but you can’t prosecute people on words, only on actions. When they are arrested showing *physical intent*, their words can be used as proof to show previous premeditated intent, but you can’t prosecute people for saying they *want* going to do something.

  2. Exarian Says:

    the difference between hate speech and free speech is the intent of harm. If I say I wanted to burn all gay guys, THAT would be hate speech. If I said Gay people are all demented, perverted freaks, I would be very wrong, but would not show any intent to harm, and thus covered.

  3. Merryjest Says:

    No, he DID have the right to state his opinion. Freedom of speech allows you to be an absolute and despicable douche. NOBODY’S opinions should be curtailed. AS a gay atheist I get a lot of insults, but I will DEFEND people’s rights to insult me, because if you stop free speech then you’re THAT closer to a totalitarian state. They have no right to aggress upon me, but they have the right to say whatever their opinions are.

  4. imarandomm Says:

    For people saying Tim had ‘the right to state his opinion’, there is something called hate speech which is not protected by free speech laws.

    Imagine if somebody had said that they are racist and don’t like black people… well… this is no different.

  5. McDopetron Says:

    “Your smooth, chocolatey head, GLAZED in MAN-SWEAT!” is going to pretty much be what I scream at the top of my lungs with a grin every time I see a queerbigot.

  6. xxxyorks Says:

    One word. Brilliant!

  7. JohnnyWeedSeed420 Says:

    I remember when i first saw this, i died laughing

  8. UrMrGay Says:

    I didn’t think someone could say ‘man-sweat’ and have it sound anything other then disgusting. God bless that marvelous voice.

  9. iratecabbie Says:

    ah ha ahaha ah ha!

  10. sphinxrising58 Says:

    He has class, as he could have made some notty coment on a homophobic, buty instead he plays it off with humor & class 🙂

  11. PiratePunch47 Says:

    Is Sulu the new Ghandi?

  12. TwoAmericanAwesomers Says:

    LMAO! that’s hilarious! best fucking gay ever!

  13. mfnickster Says:

    You’re so cute when you’re angry, big boy!

  14. DSmoothMike Says:

    You are right. We DO have the right to like or dislike, accept and not to accept. And Tim just stated his own opinion. Besides, he gave an honest question a honest answer. Though, there are probably other means of stating it.

  15. Stephensorrentino Says:

    wow. You are supposed to accept other people likes and dislikes as just that…other people business. I think George did a fantastic job in a very pointed and funny sketch. Good for him

  16. willw500 Says:


  17. nomorerocketships Says:

    my respect for him just went up like a million points!

  18. xxastrocreepxx Says:

    Love george. the man is an awesome guy if you ever have the prevleage to meet him

  19. MozTS Says:


  20. Shadowthehedgehog999 Says:

    i can’t stop Laughing. George Taki is Exeilent

  21. FlatDevice Says:

    Ahahah awesome.

  22. epicbearisepic Says:

    Oh my

  23. lmille07 Says:

    Tim Hardaway…Sulu WILL fuck you!

  24. gregorybrian Says:


  25. VairyTay Says:

    George Takei, he’s the the coolest famous gay dude ever. EVER.

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