
Beautiful Boxer (2003) – Movie Trailer

Author : Betting on Profit

Rising even higher than the greatest expectations engendered by the International Press when it became a favorite of the film festivals, BEAUTIFUL BOXER is one of the more poetic, sensitive, luxuriously vivid and colorful films to come out of Thailand – and that is saying a lot, given the extravagant epics that yearly grow in popularity. This work of art is simply stunning in content, in direction, in acting, and in heartfelt simplicity of message. This is a great one! Writer/director Ekachai Uekrongtham based his first film on the true story of Parinaya Charoemphol AKA Nong Toom, a famous Thai athlete Muay Thai boxer (better known as ‘kick boxer’ – a demanding, dangerous sport) who entered the world of Muay Thai to garner enough money to help his family and pay for his ultimate sex-change surgery. A tough story to offer general audiences, perhaps, but Ekachai Uekrongtham presents this edgy biography with such cinematic finesse and care that it becomes a film that should appeal to a very wide audience. And much of that success is due to the towering performance by Asanee Suwan in his acting debut: Suwan is in life a professional kick boxer who won the title role after extensive auditions by many practitioners of Muay Thai. BEAUTIFUL BOXER takes us through the life of Nong Toom, his childhood in a family of loving accepting parents who respect his love of beauty and things feminine, his brief period of being a monk who must leave the monastery because of his inclinations

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25 Responses to “Beautiful Boxer (2003) – Movie Trailer”

  1. hope763 Says:

    The person who’s talking…is it nong toom?

  2. samthor Says:

    and if all trans people could learn to fight like that. I bet equal rights would come a lot sooner.

  3. Elektrikkiss Says:


    that is inaccurate. not all crossdressers dress for sexual pleasure some due it for entertainment purposes or they simply like the feeling of wearing women clothing under mens clothing.

  4. melan9sighn Says:

    hahahahaha what in the fcku is this mon

  5. kayomariano Says:

    Boiolage do Kct

  6. LicoriceLain Says:

    @Xrabbite scathing to the lesser education. 😉 It isn’t completely their fault they know so little on the subject.

  7. LicoriceLain Says:

    @Xrabbite Ummm, no. Transvestites and Crossdressers are those who are most likely to dress out of gender norms for entertainment/sexual purposes. Transgender is the unbrella for all behavior out of gender norms and Transsexual is applied to the consistent exhibition of traits of the gender opposite of the sex one is born as. I was born into the male sex. I am a transsexual woman. But, that is how I see it. I know we all define the terms differently for ourselves. Just try not to be so —

  8. Xrabbite Says:

    @joandelynn I think you’re making this into a bigger deal than it needs to be.. :/ Its just a term. Fo’ real.

  9. joandelynn Says:

    @Xrabbite Actually I prefer the term transsexual, I’m changing my sex from male to female, not my gender. My gender has always been female even though I was born with a male body.

    It’s true, the term ‘transgendered’ is flexible. But the term transsexual is not, that has always been used to refer to people who change their sex. Just look it up if you don’t believe me. Transvestites are crossdressers, transsexuals are not, and most of ‘m will feel very insulted when you call them a crossdresser.

  10. Xrabbite Says:

    @joandelynn Y’know, the terms themselves are pretty flexible. As a transgendered man, I think I’d have knowledge of them. Its simply more common to use “transgender”. It also sounds nicer, don’t you think?

  11. joandelynn Says:

    @Xrabbite You are wrong, a transvestite is a crossdresser. A transsexual is someone who feels like and wants to be the other sex. Transgendered is an umbrella term, it covers both transvestites and transsexuals. 

  12. wtfsammy21 Says:

    can someone tell me the song in the beginning?

  13. Xrabbite Says:

    @odyssey12345678910 A transsexual is one who cross dresses for sexual pleasure. A transgendered person is someone who wants to be and considers themselves to be of the opposite biological sex. Please try to get your terms right before you say anything. Also, hormones and surgeries are common ways to stop suffering in a body that they clearly DO NOT belong in. Please educate yourself. (:

  14. swdinesh Says:

    @odyssey12345678910 I’m happy to read a comment like yours. Many times (if not always) we use ours judgement without knowing anything about what we’re judging. It’s very nice to see intelligent people that can take the effort to think and doubt him/her-self in a way to learn something about another person. Thank you …this makes the world a better place.

  15. werdwatcher Says:

    very good movie, very nice. 

  16. McOwrell Says:

    My top favorite movie ever ! Toom is my Hero ! ♥♥♥

  17. draugur25 Says:

    may I know the title of the first song?

  18. GalleryOfSuiside666 Says:

    WOW the film was AMAZING and the actor is very beautiful with makeup he look just like woman ^^

  19. myx62 Says:

    one of the best movie ever ! wow .. great production team ! nice and very beautiful movie !!!! thanks !!!

  20. Transilvano Says:

    Incredible history 🙂

  21. 918Rick Says:

    @870404065628 Netflix has it for rental

  22. Offdrive3 Says:

    Ah, I love those Thai’s who like it both ways! Actually a damn good movie, made with integrity.

  23. sionv2009 Says:

    he should have said “within HER heart” at 1:40… fucker…

  24. MrPointyarrow Says:

    most excellent movie

  25. troj444 Says:

    doesn e1 kow wer i cn watch this 4 free?

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