
Betting Strategies – NFL Teasers

Author : Betting on Profit

Wiseguy Vegas Runner and Pregame Pro Tony George talk about how to utilize Teaser plays to maximize your betting profits.

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6 Responses to “Betting Strategies – NFL Teasers”

  1. dudemalinksy Says:

    Yo Douchebag, Nice 4 unit loss on the WNBA last night you should be totally embarrased!!!! You got your shit so pushed in!!!!!

  2. chuck3377 Says:

    I used to run to the window in vegas for people, I noticed the teasers mostly always loose, and the straight bets were more frequently winners, I attributed this to the law of probability from my college courses. 3.5 point game, striaght bet, odds of propability 50/50 or 50% chance of winning. 6 point teaser, law of probability says there is a 25% chance of winning, you have to hit a one out of four possible outcomes, 25% chance of winning versus 50% chance of winning. They can be fun though.

  3. TheMastersplinter1 Says:

    @bajskorv766 I don’t follow anybody not named Billy Walters. I kill teasers 17 weeks out of the year. Take care square.

  4. bajskorv766 Says:

    From the 3.5 years this fraud has been selling picks and losing. Do your homework (gogle works fine) on this conman before you lose money following him.

  5. TheMastersplinter1 Says:

    @bajskorv766 Where are you getting this information?

  6. bajskorv766 Says:

    vegasrunner is a huge long term LOSER ON TEASERS so I guess he is a sucker then:)

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