
Germans episode part (1 of 3) verry funny! lol

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25 Responses to “fawlty towers episode 2 The germans (1 of 3)”

  1. Jeorney Says:

    Best comedy series of all time.

  2. magicmoonbeam2 Says:

    Molested any little white girls lately? 

  3. pigeonpsycho Says:

    @JazzAce340 you mean liberals who think everyone should be equal 

  4. squatch1983 Says:

    ”Go and get me a hammer”
    ”Hammer? Oh a hammer sandwich”

    Love this show.

  5. Bestmanme08 Says:

    Almost one million google.com postings now read “Benny Hill considered funnier than Monty Python”!

  6. gamelvr1 Says:

    This isn’t episode two you moron. Change that imbecilic atrocity of a title. “The Germans” is episode six.

  7. TalonMercenary Says:


  8. moguy200979 Says:

    One thing I love about watching these old shows, is how raw people could be without all these pansies yelling “OMG RACISM I’M SO OFFENDED!” *CRY*

  9. englandmadethewest Says:

    What on Earth is JazzAce340 on about? This tired old don’t offend the minorities rubbish.

  10. MrSyrett Says:

    @JazzAce340 – can you name any terrorist group of “wog” (indian) or nigger (african) terrorists that have it in for you?

  11. luvarabwomen Says:

    @JazzAce340 i take it you dont like democracy then


    I’d love to spend a day or 2 in Fawlty Towers no matter how rude Basil is to me.

  13. Efteldingetjes Says:

    How can i hitin a nail with your hamster?!

  14. Co0kieDealerr Says:

    The best ever!

  15. johntheowl Says:

    He must have been a German!

  16. TheDogzlove Says:

    this is ok but not my favorite 😐

  17. loz1023 Says:

    basil farts at 2:21

  18. FatMucnher Says:

    Amongst the elite of UK comedy; on par with Only Fools And Horses.

  19. robotchickenrules1 Says:

    @JazzAce340 ‘political correctness gone mad’ a frequently overused phrase

  20. buuren74 Says:

    i guess 1 dont know what humour is

  21. theseventhirregular Says:

    i had to watch this in my langueage arts class (we’re doing a unit on comedy) one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen lol

  22. lolita3275 Says:

    i was just doing it you stupid woman………lol

  23. butterflychomper Says:

    I can speak English. I learned it from a book.

  24. BCraingirl Says:

    sorry, I heard “ingrowen” lol

  25. MrMellowfellow21 Says:

    “ingrowing” dear, not “in-growen”.

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