
Flax oil vs fish oil

Author : Betting on Profit

For more info visit my site at: www.brinkzone.com Flax oil vs fish oil. Which is best? What are the differences? Can you use both or just one? Learn facts in this vid! Speaking of fish oils supplements, it’s a perfect example of how one can compare labels and doses to see if (1) they are getting the correct dose for the effects they desire (eg, the therapeutic dose) and (2) if the product is actually cost effective compared to another. Quality issues not withstanding, do you actually look at the % of active lipids EPA and DHA when you buy fish oil supplements? Retailers are betting you don’t…What’s the better deal: A product that is 30% active lipids for $20 for 100 1g caps vs. say a product that is 50% active lipids containing the same 100 1g caps for $25? clearly, the latter product is the better deal but the first is cheaper. Two, are you looking at the % of active lipids to make sure you are taking enough to have an effect? If not, you are short changing yourself both physically and financially. In either of my ebooks for example, I attempt to not only teach people which supplements actually work, but how to learn to read labels, so they are educated consumers, able to save money on the supplements they purchase. Learn more: www.brinkzone.com

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14 Responses to “Flax oil vs fish oil”

  1. vallonia200 Says:

    Brilliant!!!… I love how you make what can often be complicated information into simple , clear interesting stuff.

  2. rahuldivakar007 Says:

    i enjoyed

  3. purity4all Says:

    well that’s bad news1 I hate those fish oil burps. YUCK!

  4. 1imesub Says:

    I prefer flax.

  5. fitnessbyjay Says:

    @SinisterSkip No, the conversion rate in humans is under 5%

  6. SinisterSkip Says:

    The omega3 in flax has to be converted, BUT flax is much cheaper than fish oil, so you can easily take more of it to make up for it?

  7. deroseg Says:

    Good! I wont waste my time on it then! I would rather eat salmon, even out of a can then try to eat flax. Except if they are ground, on plain yogurt, like making a healthy sundae with berries, thats how I use flax. Its so hard since you cant heat it or do much with it, Thanks for the info!

  8. omega3project Says:

    I differ with your non-bio active opinion with the essential fatty acid Linolenic found in plant based “omega sources” . Besides converting to EPA/DHA, Linolenic acid (omega 3) performs numerous, essential bio-active functions that are essential. Linolenic Acid-LNA, the only “omega 3 ” cited Essential. Many studies” are flawed for many reasons & funded by capsule producers.

    Retina & Optic nerve are 70-90% EPA/DHA … The USA would have vision problems if “conversion” was significant.

  9. sXeish Says:

    Do you drink Matcha?

  10. lion1green Says:

    !..i don’t take no fish oil ! i always knew any type of oil is bad for you ! any oil will slow down your ateries and creat plaque and fat in your body . i never waisted my money in supplements such as fish oil ! and i dont eat fish because its contaminated with Mercury and PCB…..stay away from any type of oil ! save your health and your money !! all lies to make money !..lies ! lies !!

  11. InternalApocalypse Says:

    Thanks for this informative video. I’ve been on flax oil because I don’t like the taste of fish oil and don’t consume gelatin as many fish oil is capsuled in gelatin casing.

    I think I’ll go back to fish oil – try to find a good tasting fish oil.

  12. dustinmattison Says:

    DHA is essential for the brain’s performance. Only as little as 3-5% of the ALA is converted to DHA in the body. This datum should be measured against the fact that DHA stays alive and active in the human brain for 5 years, but even if high quantities of DHA are consumed, only some 3.8mg are assimilated daily in the brain.

  13. willbrink Says:


    There are pics on the BrinkZone showing more muscles, and of course there are my training vids here, so I recommend check out the training vids 🙂

  14. max60watts60 Says:

    when will you flex those big arms?

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