
Old West Cowboys

Author : Betting on Profit

Turn of the last century photos of cowboys in the Wild West.

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25 Responses to “Old West Cowboys”

  1. Idontloveyougeenu Says:

    Oh Red Dead Redemption , you’ve made me adore the Wild West .

  2. XXXhardstyleboy Says:

    thumbs up if red dead redemtion brought u here 🙂

  3. 99glassen Says:

    Dhbiza how old are you???????

  4. TheMrDclaws Says:

    @dhbiza how old are you O_o?

  5. frankovich213 Says:

    @Ch00merificTea lol me too! That game makes it feel like you have actually lived in the Old West. I spent a whole night once (in the game) just hunting wolves in Mexico until I had 100 wolf hearts. Man that was a nice payday!


    @5682futbol nope

  7. Saddydaddy1 Says:

    @Ch00merificTea  same here!

  8. dhbiza Says:

    I was there! It was awesome, but life sure was tough. No sissies back then. I had to work from sun up to sun down to feed my family.

  9. legomanv16 Says:

    @eurasianchica this was when men where men

  10. behemoth5022 Says:

    @5682futbol i came here before so i cud get in the western mood

  11. ssrider7 Says:

    this were tough men!

  12. bryanrave08 Says:

    @K4inan no he is a girl

  13. cbcrog Says:

    This way of life, what little is left of it, is fastly dying off, which is horrible

  14. K4inan Says:

    @eurasianchica Justin bieber is a man? =S

  15. citylightslikefire Says:

    what i wouldnt give if the us was like this again

  16. Ch00merificTea Says:

    @5682futbol Before playing Red Dead Redemption, I had no interest in the Wild West and Cowboys at all. Now, I think they’re pretty cool XD

  17. OneMillonAce Says:

    when men were steel and planes were made of wood

  18. MsMckenzie123 Says:

    to shossain50: Oh yeah?! Look again..this time at .20 those two on the end…both legs crossed tight, one hand on another’s knee.

  19. eurasianchica Says:

    that was when men didn’t look like marilyn manson, zac efron, or justin bieber.

  20. JakesNotDrinking Says:

    @shossain50 O_o yes there were, they just got their dicks chopped off or were thrown in jail.

  21. narimash1960 Says:

    Amazing pictures! Nice music! I wish I could travel in time and spend one day in old western time.

  22. shossain50 Says:

    thoe’s were the days when everybody wasin’t gay

  23. Ironbudokan Says:

    very nice

  24. AAR2863 Says:

    lol bak then nearly every1 had a gun

  25. crazyknight2008 Says:

    awsome vid, nice pictures from the past, thank you for a good job

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