Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson hedge fund managers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would be bailed out in secret meetings. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur explains the implications. Source: Subscribe to The Young Turks: The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: Facebook: Twitter:

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24 Responses to “Paulson Told Wall Street Fannie & Freddie Bailouts Coming”

  1. fleammm Says:

    @surrealnumber *wants

  2. zodiam1 Says:

    Sucks that they can do this to us. Hard working 10-12 hour days and these guys sit back Raking in all the dough!

  3. surrealnumber Says:

    @17jjskater i agree, but TYT want more of the problem to fix the problem, they see it not as the power that is wrong, but the implementation that is wrong.

  4. 17jjskater Says:

    Less Government, Its that simple 

  5. gilbet Says:

    Cenk is creating a story out of nothing. At 0:09 he says “On July 21st of 2008, everybody is worried about Freddie Mack and Fannie May, are they going to go under..they’ve already lost a tremendous amount of money”.

    So, saying that Paulson is worrying about it in his meeting with the Wall St. people is not “insider information”. The whole damn country was worrying about it INCLUDING the Wall St!
    Paulson wasn’t telling them anything they didn’t already know, he was trying to find a solution.

  6. weidnerlaw Says:

    We all know the government is going to shut down the press and internet….right?

  7. weidnerlaw Says:

    Satan’s Banker.

  8. Stevie68000 Says:

    Enemy of Greece, Ireland,Italy,Spain & USA – Jew

    1.Goldman Sachs CEO, Lyold Blankfein- Jew

    2.IMF Deputy CEO, John Lisky-Jew

    3.Ex IMF CEO,Dominic Strauss-Jew

    4.World Bank CEO,Robert Zoellick-Jew

    5.Ex World Bank CEO, James Woolfesen-Jew

    6.Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke-Jew

    7.Ex Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan-Jew

    8.Obama Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner-Jew

    9.George Bush Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson-Jew

  9. gorky007 Says:

    Guillotine. This guy needs to be removed from the face of the earth!

  10. Stevie68000 Says:

    Jew & Subprime Mortgages :

    1. In 1998, Brooklsey Borne ( white woman ) wanted to regulate the subprime mortgages.

    2. She was Chairman of Commodity & Future Trading Commision.

    3. 5 Jews fought her.

    Jew : – Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, Arthur Levitt, Timothy Geithner

    5. In 2008 ( 10 years later ), these subprime mortgages exploded & thousands of Americans were homeless

    6. Watch PBS youtube video ” The Warning “.

    7. Congress testimony included.

  11. Agblat Says:

    That JP Morgan paid the NYPD $4.5 million for protection and Mayor Bloomberg calls the NYPD “his” 7th largest military force in the world should tell every American that Paulson and his buddies from Wall Street are ready to slaughter Americans to retain their hold on the nation’s finances. If this isn’t hostile occupation, what is?

  12. demonstrationclass8 Says:

    Why isn’t Paulson arrested and tried? That is a serious offense!

  13. TheBluePlates Says:

    “The Banker”
    A music video by The Blue Plates

  14. swedishfish2 Says:

    how the hell is he not in prison./…

  15. Stevie68000 Says:

    Enemy of Greece, Ireland,Italy,Spain & USA – Jew

    1.Goldman Sachs CEO, Lyold Blankfein-Jew

    2.IMF Deputy CEO, John Lisky -Jew

    3.Ex IMF CEO, Dominic Strauss- Jew

    4.World Bank CEO, Robert Zoellick-Jew

    5.Ex World Bank CEO, James Woolfesen-Jew

    6.Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke-Jew

    7.Ex Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan-Jew

    8.Obama Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner-Jew

    9.George Bush Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson-Jew

  16. Friedstuffsable Says:

    @hamrite Hanged, Drawn, Quartered, The Punishment for treason. Which if King Henry the VIII caught someone taking funds from the state to give to himself & his cronies that is exactly what would have happened to them.

  17. SuperToughnut Says:

    Remember that day a couple of years ago where someone “mistakenly” hit “b” instead of “m” on a keyboard and so therefore “billion” was entered instead of “million”. This caused a big problem for about 15 minutes on the stock market. I wonder what this was a cover up for?

  18. SuperToughnut Says:

    Remember that day a couple of years ago where someone “mistakenly” hit “b” instead of “m” on a keyboard and so therefore “billion” was entered instead of “million”. This caused a big problem for about 15 minutes on the stock market. I wonder what this was a cover up for?

  19. Bullshotinbutt Says:

    Someone help me here…what was the phrase he used when begging for our money to bail out his friends. It was moral hazard, right? Fun, how he gets to preach moral hazard to the banks that he let fail and did deals on the down low to immorally fill his friends’ pockets. Disgusting.

  20. marekknowak Says:

    Hank Paulson is a crook, no question asked, but it’s not the fault of the ‘hedge funds’ traders that Fannie Mae and Freddy mac went under, and that politicians decided to stick the taxpayers with the tab, so that bonds holders (good campaign contributors) could cash in.

  21. invaliduser1000 Says:

    In China where GDP is 9% they SHOOT people for doing that,,, America ur fucked

  22. hamrite Says:

    @Friedstuffsable In medieval times he would be burned alive, or stretched by four horses.

  23. rsty614 Says:

    @mak62159 it’s called a Derivative, an unrelated party is allowed to bet whether a stock will lower/rise; and a credit default swap is pretty much the same thing but with betting whether a company will default on its loan or not, even if you are completely unrelated; It’s as if a buddy of yours took out a loan and you could bet the bank that he was going to default on it! If you are really interested you should wikipedia it

  24. ChandlerN Says:

    @mak62159 Basically they are betting money that the stock/company will either fail or lose value.

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