
Poker Strategy Tips: The Value Bet

Author : Betting on Profit

PokerListings.com is back with another free expert poker strategy tip! The value bet is one of the most important things to know if you want to win at poker. Let Dan Skolovy show you how master this important concept and watch your poker profits grow. PokerListings.com has a massive poker strategy section designed to make you a winning poker player. Go to www.pokerlistings.com and check it out!

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7 Responses to “Poker Strategy Tips: The Value Bet”

  1. sergiu9110 Says:

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  2. riddlemethis79 Says:

    It’s not dumb. It’s about value betting. As in betting for value when you want to get called. Why would he want to show examples when he’s value betting with worse hands???

  3. riddlemethis79 Says:

    @GamingJediPwns He was in the BB and it was limped around to him. He checked his option…

  4. bekotrollface Says:

    This is dumb … your giving yourself only good cards

  5. Gerold1158 Says:

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  6. VaidasLTKL Says:

    @GamingJediPwns because he’s in the big blind, And everybody is checking

  7. GamingJediPwns Says:

    You are seriously lucky. Why are you even playing with a Q5 in the first hand?

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