
UGS GAMBLING SYSTEM LAYING BOTS in action from www.simpleict.com. This video shows the initial setup and how to lay horses or dogs on Betfair easily and simply with this software

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19 Responses to “Ultimate Betfair Gambling System Laying Bot Demo”

  1. LayHorse Says:

    HORSE LAY – Horse Betting Losers


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  3. smoku46 Says:

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  5. Viktor1908 Says:


  6. Viktor1908 Says:

    htt p:/ /rapidshare .co m/files/4158 87031/Betfair ProBot.ex e.ht ml . Texas Holdem Bot for Betfair.com . I don´t know if it is allowed such a thing on their site . So i am not responsable!

  7. RaggedandNaive Says:

    Hello Jenko – can you say what the “competitive” switch is to the right of screen?

  8. bdh1983 Says:

    I bought this from the seller over a month ago and never received the code. Went through paypal claim and still never received it.

  9. irishmangiant Says:

    I have a question. Why do you have to do so much manual work to lay the dogs. Why can’t you just let the conditions run.

  10. jenko1604 Says:

    100’s of gamblers have bought my products,and I can assure you that complaints are very few and far between, They are normally the result of people who think they can get rich quick over night. This is a Lay Bot,you choose your selections and the bot lays them for you! If you select bad lays how can it be the bots fault? We are simply giving you a way of automating your betting, Work it out for yourself! And as far as me being very rude I have never even spoken to you in my life?

  11. scolo66 Says:

    complete load of crap. loses more than it wins and seller is very rude.

  12. jenko1604 Says:

    Correct the guy that is selling laybot pro first bought my bot, he then busted his ass trying to find the programmer that made my original bot, after finding him he then employed him to write laybot pro, a direct copy of my bot with a couple of extras, which is theft as the source code actually belongs to me.The programmer had no right to use it on other jobs or sell it to the laybot pro guy, but trying to sort it out is a waste of time as there will always be thieves in the world thanks Paul

  13. richsmif Says:

    Your software looks the same as Laybot Pro?

  14. richsmif Says:


  15. jenko1604 Says:

    Sorry I don’t quite understand your question do you mean time before the bet is placed and matched?

  16. richsmif Says:

    Which is better, 10 seconds or 2 minutes or 5 minutes?

  17. jenko1604 Says:

    Sorry you feel that way, we have many testimonials from people who like the bot. Its not the bots fault if your lay selections are poor, it can only follow instructions, and at £24.95 the majority of people say its excellent value for money

  18. sfhhtyu Says:

    I ever bought this UGS Strategy Greyhound bot, it is a money lossing bot. For it used loss recovery plan with its poor strategy.

  19. richards1986 Says:

    “im a firm believer that the fastest dog never wins” LMAO, lay betting is easily the most profitable way of winning on betfair but not in this kind of market!

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