This e seminar addresses the utility of speed figures in the handicapping process and how they should be applied and interpreted.

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24 Responses to “Using Speed Figures when Handicapping Thoroughbred Horses”

  1. renduke Says:

    just another youtube asswipe…i called you out you punked out what a surpise you couldnt pick your nose

  2. renduke Says:

    i called you out and you punked out…….go back to rifling trash cans for tickets like the rest of your bretheren

  3. renduke Says:

    i thought so “Guns” of the lowest caliber often make the most noise
    refuses to post a link to his site…..refuses to post selections for more then a race or two….did you even bother to ask the guys over at homestrecth yuku….the triple crown forum ? Pretty confident they will tell you derbytilson a diff name i use on line is one of the best “cappers” they’de ever seen……a guy who has gone no maor then 2 deep in the derby with like 5 or 6 winners in 12 years

  4. renduke Says:

    you were the one talking shit about HOW GOOD you were doing…..I asked you to direct me to your picks you punked out plain and simple….My Granny could get hot for a race or two….AGAIN go to homestrecth yuku triple crown forum ask the guys there about how good derbytilson has been over the last 10 or 12 years.

  5. BettorOffSingle Says:

    Wow, ONE selection makes one a LOSER now?

    So much for Delta Ranger LOL Forum Queen.

  6. BettorOffSingle Says:

    Nice mouth, little girl. You’d shit your fucking pants before you’d talk like that to my face.

    Yeah go play forum queen and internet tough girl. I don’t swing that way so maybe you’ll get your dream guy to notice you somewhere else.

  7. renduke Says:

    WOW you sound like a REAL ASS…1st you had this you had that you had a PLUS Roi…what web page ? The one you won’t post a link to ? LOL….THEN you wanna impress me with a Selection on ONE race….tell ya what LOSER…go over to homestrecth yuku
    and select triple crown forums and ask about derbytilsons reputation for handicapping over the last dozen years….Its ONLY A Forum created by DOC Roman the inventor of the doasge index system

  8. BettorOffSingle Says:

    Maybe you can invest your winnings in some spelling lessons.

    It’s VARIANT.

  9. BettorOffSingle Says:

    So you want to prove to a bunch of internet strangers that you’re rich from betting horses, but don’t want to prove it? I mean fine claim anything you want, but most will wonder why someone so well off would bother. I can at least prove what I do and have for years. I put my picks out there. Do you even do THAT?

  10. BettorOffSingle Says:

    I can’t give out my methods but I will say I just took Alpha and Howe Great in the Derby futures, along with a few other longshots underneath.

    Guess we’ll see whathappens. Post your Derby picks.

  11. BettorOffSingle Says:

    I stand corrected then,k you were in the “linked comments” thought you were uploading. I removed my comment.

    If you don’t sell anything, it wouldn’t matter, and my sheets are on my website for anyone who cares.

    Still anyone can claim they win money. Do you even have free picks posted long-term? I don’t really argue much with horseplayers since it’s stupid and pointless.

    I don’t spam so no I won’t post the link here but it’s in my profile.

  12. renduke Says:

    I dont sell a dam thing you have me confused with someone else… in the last few years i am plus 6 figures I dont bet more then a grand a week do the math…..and asking someone to put their tax returns on the net is laughable… a link to your “FREE” SHEETS i have an open mind.

  13. BettorOffSingle Says:

    I have IRS proof in my Bettor Off Single book of my ability to win. 

    I also have years of free sheets with a positive ROI.

    What do you have other than a mouth?

    Post your tax returns.

  14. renduke Says:

    wow you have some attitude…you’re the best of course of all the worst !

    FYI I’ve been an Asst Trainer on a MAJOR Circuit and my numbers and Methodology i would put up against ANYONE ….i’ve hit 3 pick sixes in my life for a sum total of 800k thank you ! ps BET DELTA RANGER in his next start and then get a life

  15. BettorOffSingle Says:

    This level of ignorance is amusing to watch.

    Oh how I wish I could blow these arguments out of the water, but then my horses wouldn’t pay so well.

    You are using methods that are FIFTY years old. Do you still drive a 1970 Impala?

  16. BettorOffSingle Says:

    Anyone with basic database skills can construct pars, trainer ROI, etc. from the free programs and charts online.

  17. BettorOffSingle Says:

    If he wins money, why does he need to sell stuff?

    Ernie Dahlman was verified to have won over $1.6 million in a few months at NYRA.  Ever see a book from him?


  18. BettorOffSingle Says:

    How much money did you win or lose betting in the last five years, year by year?

    Got proof?

    The general belief is that those who can’t, sell their methods. I’ve never published mine. Ever wonder why?

    Keep running your mouth. I love it when people with a weaker understanding of the sport than me talk down to me.

  19. BettorOffSingle Says:

    There is something SO obviously wrong with your analysis all I can do is thank you for pontificating and lecturing those who know even less than you do.

    I publish my PAP Sheets for free. Our combined exotic ROI for this year on all our picks, every race (1000+) is over $2.00….and that’s a ONE DOLLAR ROI. That means if you bet every cold exotic combination (dd/p3/ex/tri) on our free (verifiable) sheets this year, you doubled your money.

    When I get a column or book deal I’ll publish.

  20. renduke Says:

    if horse A shows that she is 2 clicks fast of par early and even with par late….she is likely to run within those parameters regardless of if the track today is fast or slow.
    ie: fast track par 1:11 early 1:41 2/5 final for a mile and a 1/16th she will then run 1:10 3/5
    1:41 flat final…..if the track is slow 1:12 par she is VERY likey to be only 2 click fast of that… ALL BECOMES RELATIVE FOR EACH HORSE….people make this more complicated then it should be.

  21. BettorOffSingle Says:

    So whatever we FEEL is validk, even if it’s not profitable? I don’t think so.

    Do you have verifiable proof that you win money betting? I do.

    We need all those numbers? Why? Because you say so?

    The correct number is the POWER RATING, the all-encompassing, single number that predicts, better than the public, how a horse will run today.

    That most cannot make such a number doesn’t eliminate the need to. I can.

  22. renduke Says:

    everyone has to use their own method……the starting point is to have a methodology that gives you one number for class and one for speed for each horse.
    I sorta agree with you i think track varients exsist on occassion but are often exaggerated by most people in both their degree and importence.
    Early speed late speed are usally a type of linear/inverse relationship….that are able to depict a horses abilities over ANY surface…..will continue

  23. BettorOffSingle Says:

    Or maybe track variant is not as useful as people think.

    Why should I adjust a horse’s figure from ONE race based on what happens in ANOTHER race?

    Simple example: slow pace on a fast track. Figure might appear like neither existed.

    Also, as Beyer proved, any profitable made available to the public will lose its profitability. Even ONE bettor can wipe the pools of all profits.

  24. matador10mm Says:

    cynthia publishing has them in a book and so does gamlers book store $ 100 a season well worth it

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